Monday, February 8, 2010

Freezing, Amplifying, and Escapeeing


This was the sun coming up this frosty morning.  Pretty cool out, but nice sunshine and no wind.  This is what Ann's car looked like before the frost started melting.

This is what it looked like only a few minutes later as soon as the sun hit it.
It seems that being a little higher in elevation makes a difference in temps.  But still certainly livable.

Since we got here our Verizon Wireless MiFi-2200 wireless router, and our Verizon Wireless cell phones have not been able to get a good signal, so today we decided to put up the Wilson amplifier system that we purchased before leaving home in December.

I didnt make a permanent install, as I dont have quite the right parts for that, but we did to manage to get the system working.  Here is a pic of the receiving  antenna mounted on the ladder at the back of the  motorhome, and the broadcast antenna on the inside of the motorhome.

It doesnt look all that pretty, but it is functional.  If I go back to the bedroom, I get no bars on my cell phone, but once I step in front of the broadcast antenna(it is directional), I get 3 bars on the phone.  It also amplifies the signal for the  Mi-Fi, and it went from hardly working at all to an acceptable level of speed. Here is a link to our  Wilson Amplifier Setup

Also, today we went to the Park office to officially sign up for the Escapees.  They called in our information and credit card number, and we were given a temporary card with our Escapees ID number on it.  Wooooooo Hooooooooo!  One more sign we are REAL RVers!  

Yesterday when we came here and registered they asked how we heard of the Escapees.  We gave credit to Mike and Pat McFall  as it was on their blog that they talked about being here and loving the place.  I think they get some kind of recognition from Escapees for the recommendation, at least I hope so, as we would have not likely came here and joined the Escapees otherwise.  We have yet to meet Mike, but did get to meet Pat as she came into the office while we were registering.  Wonderful lady!

Thats about it for now.  Ann is working diligently on some work project, and I am just killing time.

More Later,


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