Monday, November 30, 2009

Ann's First Day of Work on the Road

Today was Ann's first day of work on the road.  Because she didnt have the forty-five minute drive to work, she was able to sleep in a for about an extra hour this morning. Right at 8:00AM CST she logged on to her work website, and with her cell phone at her side, and papers scattered around, she began doing what she does as a business analyst.

Here is a before she started working, and an after she started working pic.


If you notice she has the same sweatshirt on she was wearing the pic in front of the sign at the BBQ place in Guthrie, OK.  We are calling it laundry conservation.

The weather here is nice today, so at lunch time we ate outside at our picnic table, and took a walk around the park.  Most of the people here are working in the area, therefore have prepared for the winter by using heat tape and insulation on there fresh water hoses.

Here is what a couple of others have done.

In the top picture, they wrapped the hose and hydrant with heat tape, then some kind of yellow tape, followed by some gray tape, and then placed the PVC over the whole thing, and then placed a garbage can over the hydrant.  I hope it doesnt get so cold as to need that much insulation, at least not while we are here!

The other picture shows that they just wrapped their hose and hydrant in foam insulation, and then taped it.  They have also used PVC to cover their sewer pipe.  Just shows how ingenious people can be.  I am planning on filling our onboard water tank, and disconnecting and draining our water hose.  We have not yet hooked up our sewer hose, so it wont  shouldnt be a problem.

When Ann gets done working about 4:30PM we are planning to make a trip to Camping World to get a few things we need, and didnt have, and a few things we need, and left at home.  Then it will be a trip to Joann's Fabric to buy some fleece with the Indianapolis Colts logo, as Ann is going to make her daughter Ali a snuggy.

Not sure what the rest of the evening will hold, but we are still having fun!



  1. Ooh, I've worked like that before and it gets old really fast. Can she use the diningroom table? Take out the TV (assuming you have and entertainment cabinet) and use that space? Have you checked Andy's site ( I think) for reno ideas? Hope you guys stay warm - they're saying SNOW in West Texas tonight! YIKES! :)

  2. Hey guys - I had a similar thought when I saw Ann's set up. There are probably some more ergonomic arrangements - but so long as she can move around freely and relocate from time to time I'm sure she will be fine. My favorite WFH tool is my wireless headset. I love to pace when I am talking on the phone :) Good to see your posts and stay warm!

  3. I agree with the ergonomics of Ann's "office", but this is what she has chosen, at least for now. She has a couple of other real good options for "office space", as our Winnebago Voyage 38J is pretty spacious.

    One option is the dining room table, the other, and I think best option, should she decide to changes "offices", is to use the passenger seat area. It has a very comfortable seat, and a built in sliding computer tray, plus a large window to look out.

    One thing she is concerned about is not to bother me when she is on a conference call. Brian, I like the wireless headphone idea. Ann does have a wired headseat for her Blackberry, so she can be mobile while talking on the phone.

    We will see how this works out, and what changes she may make in her "office on wheels".

  4. Hi Ann,
    Nice "seeing" you. It was pretty warm (60F) here in Iowa today.

    Miss you.
